Thursday 13 January 2011

January 13: There Are Parrots in Hyde Park!!!

          This morning, I decided to take a walk through the park before lunch. It was pretty wet and icky out, but no rain was actually coming down. I strolled over to the Albert Memorial, just across from Royal Albert Hall, and took pictures of the pigeons sitting on the statues. Then, I walked toward the center of the park. I started to hear a strangely familiar bird noise, a loud shriek. I wondered what kind of bird would make that sound in England, then saw two very strange looking birds fly by. They looked smaller and more streamlined than pigeons, and I noticed that they had really, really long tails. Then I saw a flash of bright green feathers. I was completely stumped, or as they say here, "gob-smacked." What the heck kind of bird screams loudly, flies in a large flock and has a tail at least as long as it's body? Parrots! These were bright green parrots, flying in a flock of at least 2 dozen! I tried over and over to get pictures, and when I was finally able to zoom in, I realized that they were Indian Ringnecks. I just stood taking pictures for at least half an hour. A maintenance cart almost ran me over. People kept stopping and trying to figure out what I was looking at, and I'm sure I was grinning like a fool. They were really fun to watch. I'm sure they're ecologically horrible and are ruining all sorts of natural balance, but I was so excited to see them!

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