Thursday 27 January 2011

January 26: Homework Time

I've been working on homework and research literally all day. I have to give a presentation with my roommate in our History class tomorrow about early Theatre in London, which is going to be a serious pain. We have to present for 15-20 minutes, which is a very long time for a presentation. I don't think I've ever had to do more than 10 before. I'm less worried than my partner, since I'm used to talking about this subject, and I've got a lot of background that I can always talk about if we need to take up time. We made a powerpoint with lots of pictures (the professor won't let us use any real notes) to help us. I'm not terribly worried about it.

It's really cold here! Obviously it's not nearly as bad as Wisconsin, but the high for today was 35 degrees F, with rain and maybe snow tonight and tomorrow. I really hope it doesn't snow. I've heard that when it snows here, people freak out and the city basically shuts down, which would not be good. Since I don't have any fun pictures or anything for today, I'll post a picture of my pretty cyclamen. So far it's doing very well.

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