Sunday 17 April 2011

April 17: St. Paul's and Last Market Day

I decided I wanted to go to St. Paul's Cathedral for their Palm Sunday service this morning, so I did. It was bitter-sweet walking toward the Cathedral from Mansion House tube station. I will miss seeing that dome on the horizon. I found a pretty garden just across the road from the church, so I stopped for a rest and some pictures. The service started in Paternoster Square, which is just behind the church. There were men dressed in red and black church service uniforms handing out palms folded into the shape of a cross and detailed pamphlets with the whole script of the service in them. The men were all decked out in their finest, and one was even wearing a very fancy-looking kilt! The bells of the Cathedral rang and rang and rang till 11 o'clock. We waited for awhile till we heard trumpets and then we saw the procession coming. It was lead by clergymen carrying a gold cross and followed by two donkeys. Behind the donkeys came more clergy and then the choir, men in white and black robes and boys in high ruffled collars. Behind them were lots of children carrying big green palms. The guy in charge (at least I assume he was the head honcho since he was wearing the biggest hat), who is I think called "the President" spoke for a few minutes and then we filed into the church singing and yelling "Hosanna!" Inside, we found seats and listened to the service, reading the whole scene of the Passion of the Christ. It was very close to the Catholic Passion though just a little different. I sat for awhile after the service, listening to the organist play. I had hoped to explore the church more but the men in uniform were trying to usher us out and I was starving.

I caught the tube to Liverpool Street and walked to Up Market, where the best food is on Sundays. I got lucky and met my friend Katie on the way to get food. I got a halloumi and couscous and vegetable wrap that was beyond amazing. Seriously, it was the best food ever. The halloumi cheese was unreal and it was covered in a mint and sour cream sauce that was divine. I could have died happy after eating that. It was also huge, so it took me a good 25 minutes to eat as we shopped around. I will dream of that meal forever. I wasn't really looking for anything specific in the market. Katie found a few tshirts and I considered a rough-cut emerald ring but it was just too similar to my new ruby one and it was smallish so I'll wait on that. After we'd exhausted the market, we found a bench in the sun and chatted for awhile, enjoying our last time in a London market. By the time we got home it was almost time for dinner, so I picked up some hamburger meat at the grocery store and made a huge pot of spaghetti when I got home. It was really huge. I had waaaay too much so I fed a bunch of my friends and I still have at least 4 or 5 meals worth left over in the fridge. At least I don't need to cook in our stupid little kitchen again. Now it's time for another round of homework and studying.

Garden by St. Paul's

The start of the procession in Paternoster Square




Blessing the palms

Everybody piling in the Cathedral

I "accidentally" took a picture in the Cathedral. Oops.

Outside the Cathedral

Halloumi wrap

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