Friday 8 April 2011

April 8: Kew Gardens, Take 2!

This morning the program took us all to Kew Gardens. We left at 10, and I split from the group once we got there. This time, I went the opposite direction I'd done the last time. I started with the alpine house, which was even better than it was before. I soooo want one of my own! I made sure to visit the bonsai house, which I'd missed the last time, and wow was that incredible. They didn't have a huge collection but what they had was just unbelievable. The house had a motion detecting alarm system installed to protect the trees, which I'm sure are worth more than I could even guess. I made sure to take more pictures of the magnolias we're interested in. I've decided I want one that has a good fragrance, and is preferably bright pink. The trick is finding one that will grow in the frozen North! Some of the lilacs have just started opening. Kew had a decent selection of old heirlooms, but nothing as extensive as the Arboretum's. There was one tree I saw from the back and wondered, is that "Beauty of Moscow" and yep, it was. It wasn't even flowering yet. I realized I must be a serious nut case if I could identify a lilac by leaves, shape, and baby buds. Wow. The rhododendrons were blooming, so I drooled over those. Some that I saw were tree-sized, which surprised even me. I didn't know they could get that big!!! It was so warm out today that I was walking around in just a tank top and jeans and I was waaaay too hot! I may have even gotten a little sunburn on my shoulders! Yay!

It's probably going to take me a few days to sort through all my pictures, but I'll get them up eventually!

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