Tuesday 22 March 2011

March 21: The Globe

I spent the morning reading. I finished one of the books Mom brought me in less than 48 hours so I'm trying to slow down but I'm already a third through the next one. Oh well. This one's opening scene takes place in the British Museum, which is fun. I just love young adult fiction. It's so much more enjoyable than books written for adults.
Class today was fun. We went to Shakespeare's (recreated) Globe Theatre. I'm very glad I got to see the space as it is. Since I read so much Shakespeare (and Jonson and Marlowe and all his other pals) it's fun to have the mental image of the place to project into the plays, even though the stage is really a "good guess" as to what it actually looked like in Shakespeare's time. I didn't really learn anything particularly new during the tour, but that's to be expected after I've taken so many classes. I wore the flats Mom brought me from my closet and somehow managed to get some seriously horrible blisters even though I used to wear these all over Madison. My feet just need to get used to not wearing boots, I guess. Tonight I need to catch up on my blogs for Travel Journal and Museums, and I'm sure read some more of my wonderful book.

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