Wednesday 23 March 2011

March 23: A BEAUTIFUL day!!!

Chionodoxa is blooming all over Hyde Park

Today was just glorious! The weather channel said it was 61 degrees, but I would bet it was in the 70s in the sun. I just wore an open long-sleeved shirt over a tank top and I was actually far too warm on my way to class and the grocery store. Basically I just spent my time wandering the park, then made a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch (memo to self: British single-wrapped cheese is absolutely horrible. Do not ever buy again!) and went to class for half an hour (I LOVE my Travel Journal classes on Wednesdays!) then made a trip to the grocery store because I was basically out of non-candy food. I do have a good supply of sweets, popcorn, and instant mashed potatoes and noodles though. Anyway, then I went and sat in the park with my book for a while. On the bench next to me was a Dutch lady with her little toddler, feeding the pigeons. He was pretty cute, but he kept chasing the birds which was a bit annoying. The poor things kept flying right over and around me while I tried to read about Egypt. I found one male pigeon that I really liked. He was a darkish normal gray one, but his head looked like he had flown through some white paint. His bright orange-red eyes really stood out against the white feathers. He seemed to be the king of that particular little flock. I really like pigeons.

Daffodils are everywhere!


Pretty nice view for an afternoon reading, huh?

My friend the King of the Pigeons (I call him "Thor")

When I got back to my flat, I realized I'd left my keys in my jacket pocket in my closet, which was ok since I could just knock on the doors to be let in, but then I got to my room. For whatever reason, my not-so-nice roommate had locked our door, with my laptop, comfy clothes, and computer inside. Shoot. The door is never locked, and I never forget my keys! What are the odds?! Anyway, at least I had my dinner all ready to cook, so I pan fried my garlic and ginger and soy sauce marinated chicken breast and made a stir fry with egg noodles. It was pretty amazing. Just as I was finishing it, my nice roommate came home so I could finally get to my laptop and the world was right again. Tonight I think I'm going to get to bed by 10 and drug myself to sleep because, thanks to my not-so-nice roommate's habit of leaving the blinds and windows open, I have gotten a grand total of 6 hours of sleep in the past 48 hours and I am about ready to fall over! Our neighbor has security lights so without blinds, our room is bright enough to read by, and the blasted little birdies start singing as soon as it gets bright at about 4:45am and I just can't stay asleep. First though, some more drooling over crazy expensive goldfish that I wish I had room in my tank for, then more Egyptian adventures from the fantastic mind of Rick Riordan.

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